Have you ever thought that two-faced could be cute enough to melt your heart? Meet yana and you will start loving her! 

Being a two-faced creature is by and large viewed as something gloomy. It considers as a portrayal of something negative. Well, there’s an exception to this belief- Yana, the chimeric feline. This cute little cat has very unusual markings.

She appears as though her parents shaded her with ink and the bottle of ink failed to completely colour this little creature.

How Did Yana Meet Her New Owner?

Yana was searching for another owner, and it didn’t take her long to discover one! She currently lives with Elizabeth.

Elizabeth heard about a cute kitten that was in search of a compassionate owner. At that time, she did not know that this little angel would turn out to be so special. 

Elizabeth adopted her after an elderly couple was unable to take care of her. Elizabeth is an animal lover. She has helped other animals before as well. Being an architect and design student from Orsha, Belarus, she is currently pursuing her studies at the National Technical University in Minsk.

Yana – The Internet Star

Yana is quite famous now. She has heart-throbbing fans that follow her on Instagram. With her charm and innocence, she has amassed thousands of followers on Instagram. We did not shock, however. How should you not love that innocent face? 

Featured On Different Platforms

Cats are very pretty creatures. They have their own extraordinary story. She has two different shades of fur coat on each side of her face. This makes her unique. It looks as if she has two separate halves. 

Been featured in July 2016 in Nasha Niva, a classified advert on a Belarussian website, she is stunningly unique. Yana has featured on several other platforms like Pinterest, Facebook, and other blogs as well.

The Scientific Reason behind Her Unique Face

She has two different shades because of a genetic condition which called as chimera. Her owner loves her immensely. People on the internet adore her every activity as she is an internet star.

She has cells in her body from two different zygotes that gave her this unique fur. Her owner even talks about how unique and playful she is with her character.  She loves playing catch and sipping tea. She enjoys watching art. All these traits make us fall in love with her. Check out her Instagram profile and we are sure that you will go in awe with this cute kitty.

More Information and Credits: Yana
















