The happiness we feel when we might again after being separated from someone we love is not easy to describe with words. This story is also about that kind of scene.

Image source: YouTube/ABC News

Kesho and Alf are two gorilla brothers. Kesho is the old one, and the little one is Alf. These gorilla brothers were apart for about three years and reunited as a part of an international breeding program at the Longleat Safari Park in the UK.

Image source: YouTube/ABC News

The Park staff thought they didn’t recognize each other after a long period. But they got surprised after seeing each other hugging for lots of time. They not only hug, but they laugh, smile, and even do handshakes.

Image source: YouTube/ABC News

Fortunately, the staff recorded this scene on the camera.

Their keeper also thought that the two gorilla brothers would recognize each other.

Image source: YouTube/ABC News

After that, many things were shared between them, and no one in the park expected this.

Image source: YouTube/ABC News

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