Unlike other popular birds, pigeons rarely get loved by us. Instead of loving them, people call them hideous names like ‘Urban Terrors’ or ‘Rats with Wings.’ Pigeons deserve much more credit than that.

People don’t like pigeons because of their typical appearance. But if pigeon haters see this pigeon family, it will definitely change their mindset. Even if you are not a fan of pigeons, check out the pics in the gallery.

Pink Necked Green Pigeon

This is often called a ‘hot pigeon’ because of its ink-necked green appearance.

Pink Necked Green Pigeon

This pigeon is different from common pigeons that you see in cities. They are unique, and their appearance is so vibrant.

Pink Necked Green Pigeon

They are pink and green and have plenty of other colors in them.

They are pink and green and have plenty of other colors in them

However, you can’t see them in your city. This species is only native to Southeast Asian forests.

native to Southeast Asian forests

Apart from their appearance, their diet is also different from others. They mostly prefer fruits for feed.

fruits for feed

Also, they help to distribute the seeds of the plants.

distribute the seeds of the plants

A couple of pigeons usually built a nest with twigs to lay eggs to raise chicks.

couple of pigeons

This species is exceptional, and they change a terrible idea about pigeons. It is hard to complain about them after seeing this species.

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