Totoro is a Japanese animated movie character in the famous movie My Neighbor Totoro. Totoro has become a beloved character by many children and adults worldwide. The film was released in 1998, written by Hayao Miyazaki and animated by Studio Ghibli.
In Takahuru, Miyazaki, there is a full-size replica of the bus stop scene from the movie. An elderly couple created elderly to surprise their grandchildren; however, it has become a popular tourist attraction. Scroll down to see the pics of this Totoro bus stop.
An elderly couple in Japan built a full-size replica of the bus stop scene from the movie My Neighbor Totoro.
The grandfather built the giant sculpture from scratch.
It took multiple concrete layers to complete
Here is how it looks when halfway complete.
A layer of bricks was used to give some strength to the sculpture.
Then the decoration part.
This is the final result.
Their grandchildren are thrilled.
It became more popular among tourists soon.
People in Japan travel to Takahuru to take pictures.
Next time you visit Japan, don’t forget to stop by this bus stop.
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